By: Esther Powell
Posted on: Thu, March 23 2023 - 6:48 pmMarch 29, 2023
Albuquerque, NM
Yesterday was a wonderful day for a walk in Albuquerque. My son and I went on a tour of Los Poblanos, a food to table inn near (on?) the Rio Grande. Yesterday they were planting a field, but they had a greenhouse full of early greens and what looked like early starts for the grounds, including some blooming flowers.
The big ornamental pots contained gorgeous ranunculus, a flowering plant I have never had much luck with. A very pleasant place with alpacas and exotic chickens to watch. After that we walked on a path along the river that went under Alameda, great for wildlife as well as humans. I did see three large mammals that looked suspiciously like coyotes, but much better-padded than I am used to seeing. Was that heavy winter coat or extra food availability, or were the trio just dogs?
A fun mystery to wonder about.
March 27, 2023
Albuquerque, New Mexico
My daughter has a favorite hotel in downtown Albuquerque - the Andaluz. A few family members had lunch our first day here. Lots of good healthy (with maybe some unhealthy options) food is available in quite elegant surroundings right downtown near the Galeria, which I have never found open. I wonder why that is?
The hotel was on the whole very comfortable, but I guess new watering places never have baths, maybe? I had been looking forward to a nice long song in a steaming hot tub, I must confess, because I do not have a bath tub in my studio apartment. I consider that a hardship.
Now people pay big money for a luxury hotel room and suffer the same deprivation. Warning to the young - life will change more in the future than you can possibly imagine.
March 23, 2023
Silver City, New Mexico
I am in Silver City now but for much of the rest of the month I intend to be in Albuquerque. In a way that is too bad, because if you ignore the wind chill Spring is busting out all over in Silver City. So far this Spring, I have seen spring bulbs and been able to cosy up to a group of hyacinths and enjoy their incredible fragrance. Forsythia, flowering quince, flowering cherries, pears, apricots, and plums have all been blooming like crazy. I do not know whether to expect Albuquerque to be ahead of us or behind us, the weather is so inexplicable.
There are quite a few events happening within the next couple of weeks here. All kinds of different workshops and lectures will be taking place, from an Easter origami workshop to lectures about death, including NM laws related to optional death for the suffering, to a history conference. Whew!
Pretty exciting.
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